Recent Seismicity and Stress Field in Kirishima Volcano

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  • 霧島火山における最近の地震活動と応力場
  • キリシマ カザン ニ オケル サイキン ノ ジシン カツドウ ト オウリョクバ

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Seismic data obtained in Kirishima Volcano Observatory thruogh June, 1982 to August, 1985 were analyzed to reveal the nature of recent earthquakes in Kirishima volcano. In this period, signifucant earhquakes swarms were observed repeatedly in three regions around Shinmoe cone, Ohgiri hot-spring area and Ohnami-ike crator lake. Seismicities in these Fault plane solutions show that a north-west to south-east extensional stress is dominant in Ohgiri and Shinmoe, while Ohnami-ike regions has earthquakes that represent a strike a slip fault motion along a line extending north-west to south-east. These events in Ohnami-ike are explained as a displacement across the fault to adjust the extentional deformation in Ohgiri and Shinmoe.


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