Estimation of stature from intact long bones of Chinese males in comparison with American Whites and Negroes.

  • SHAO Xiang-Qing
    Institute of Anthropology, College of Life Sciences, Fudan University

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  • 中国人男性の長骨に基づく身長推定および米白人•米黒人との比較
  • 中国人男性の長骨に基づく身長推定および米白人・米黒人との比較〔英文〕
  • チュウゴクジン ダンセイ ノ チョウコツ ニ モトズク シンチョウ スイテイ

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Simple and multiple regression equations are presented for estimating stature from one or more dried long bones based on sample of 472 recent male Chinese from nine provinces in the People's Republic of China. These new equations provide a much more reliable method for estimating stature of Chinese skeletal remains than has been available hitherto. In all studies of bone length -stature relationship, the lower limb bones have been shown to have lengths which are correlated more highly with stature thanhave the upper limb bones. Therefore, it can be stated as a general rule that in no case should lengths of upper limb bones be used in the estimation of stature unless no lower limb bone is available.<br>The regression equations for Chinese males between 21 and 30 years of age were compared with TROTTER'S regression equations for American Whites and Negroes. The American White male tends to be taller for a given length of long limb bone than does any of the other series.


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