野菜種子の被覆整形に関する研究 III  被覆種子の乾燥と貯蔵について


  • Studies on the coating of the vegetable seeds. (Part 3) Drying and storing of the coated seeds.
  • ヤサイ シュシ ノ ヒフク セイケイ
  • Drying and Storing of the Coated Seeds
  • 被覆種子の乾燥と貯蔵について



This experiment was carried out to investigate germination of the coated seeds being stored on the various conditions and drying characteristics of newly coated seeds which were also processed by fluidized drying equipment. The relation between the moisture content of newly coated seeds (Y) and drying hour (X) could be discrived by Y=aebx. Where, X; drying hour in min, Y; moisture content in %, a; initial moisture content in %, e; drying efficiency in %. In a drying air of 40°C, it took 60-90 minutes to dry untill moisture content of 6-7% in the coated seeds. In view of the reduction of germination and vigour, the storage period of the coated and non-coated seeds was not significantly different under the same storage condition. The coated seeds in the polyethylen and paper receptacles could be stored for 2-6 months with various storage receptacles at room temperature.


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