Analysis of Influential Factors on Japanese Cedar Pollen Scattering in the Kikugawa Area

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  • 菊川地区でのスギ花粉飛散解析
  • キクカワ チク デ ノ スギ カフン ヒサン カイセキ

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Allergic rhinitis caused by scattering of pollen from the Japanese cedar tree is very common in Japan, lasting from the beginning of early February up to end of April in the Kikugawa area. Most of the patients complain of sneezing, watery rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction. These symptoms are induced by the large amount of pollen released by the Japanese cedar trees, and the scattering of the pollen is regulated by a number of weather conditions such as outside temperature, wind and rainfall. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors which could influence Japanese cedar pollen scattering. For this purpose, the information on the pollen was provided by a pharmaceutical company and the weather conditions were provided by the Meteorological Agency. All data were recorded into a computer for statistical analysis. High peaks of cedar pollen were recorded three times during the cedar pollen season in 2009. The wind was often observed blowing from the Tenryu Area. Cedar pollen was carried not only from the Tenryu Area, which is famous for its Japanese cedar forests, but also from the surrounding mountain area. We found that a couple of days of cold temperature five weeks before a cedar pollen peak influenced the blooming of the cedar flowers and hence the production of cedar pollen. Each peak of cedar pollen proved to be coincident with the aforementioned weather situation. The scattering of cedar pollen was not correlated with the outside temperature, rainfall, humidity or the length of the daytime. The ability to forecast the timing of Japanese cedar pollen scattering to affected patients was thought to be important to allow preparation to minimize the allergic reaction to the cedar pollen. On the clinical side, the forecast of cedar pollen scattering promotes smooth patient care.<br>



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