Relation between Powder Properties and Grindability in a Particulate Material

  • KOTAKE Naoya
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yamagata University
  • YAGI Norihiko
    Technology and Development Div., Tokai Kogyo Co., Ltd.

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  • 粒状固体材料の粉体物性と粉砕性の関係
  • リュウジョウ コタイ ザイリョウ ノ フンタイ ブッセイ ト フンサイセイ ノ カンケイ

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Comminution is an important mechanical operation in the many industries that treat partiulate solid materials. The grindability or the grinding resistance (e.g. Work index, Hardgrove grindability index) of the solid material are useful for evaluating the energy efficiency of the grinding processes, the grinding circuits and the grinding machines. It is difficult to measure the grindability from the point of the view of the measuring processes, time or the cost of the testing machine. Measuring powder properties (ex. void fraction, angle of repose) is easy in comparison with determining or grinding resistance.<br>We investigated the relationship between powder property and grindability in a particulate solid aterial. The solid material used was mono-sized quartz particles which were classified by dry and wet creening. The powder properties measured were the void fractions of the particle bed, with and without tapping, and the angle of repose of the particles. The grindability was defined by the mass of ground products less than the feed size per unit of crushing energy. This was determined by the compressive crushing test of the particle bed. We were able to define the correlation between the powder properties tested and the grindability; that is, we found that it was possible to evaluate the grindability or the grinding resistance of a particulate material by measuring the powder properties.



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