The Practices of Making Self-Image Under Social Discrimination
- Yoshida Sayuri
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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- Other Title
- 被差別マイノリティによる自己表象をめぐる自発的実践
- ヒサベツ マイノリティ ニ ヨル ジコ ヒョウショウ オ メグル ジハツテキ ジッセン エチオピア ナンセイブ カファ シャカイ ニ イキル マンジョ ノ ジレイ カラ
- A Case Study of the Manjo in Kafa, Southwestern Ethiopia
- エチオピア南西部カファ社会に生きるマンジョの事例から
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This article examines how a socially-discriminated minority group in Ethiopia is trying to establish a new self-image, using religious context and denying their old image which has been made by the majority, under the social, economical and political changes of Ethiopia. The Manjo who live in the Kafa Zone, of southwestern Ethiopia, has been socially discriminated by the Kafa, the majority in the Kafa Zone. The Manjo were formerly hunters, though they are farmers now. Recently, most of the Manjo have started to convert to Christianity, particularly Protestantism, while the Kafa Zone is strongly influenced by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Manjo explain the change of their life style, by referring to their conversion to Protestantism. However, actually, changes of social life among the Manjo are caused by political, economical and social changes of the Ethiopian state. In this article, I provide ethnographic descriptions of the social changes among the Manjo, thereby considering the possibility of practices by socially-discriminated minorities on their own initiative for improvement in the relationship with the majority groups.
- Journal of African Studies
Journal of African Studies 2009 (75), 1-16, 2009
Japan Association for African Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204344497280
- NII Article ID
- 130004569288
- NII Book ID
- AN0001203X
- 18845533
- 00654140
- 10548104
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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