Mercury determination in fish samples by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry

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  • 無炎原子吸光法による魚肉中の水銀分析  サンプリングと湿式分解法
  • ムエン ゲンシ キュウコウホウ ニヨル ギョニクチュウ ノ スイギン ブンセキ
  • サンプリングと湿式分解法

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The determination of mercury in shark muscle by reduction-cold vapour flameless atomic absorption spectrometry using a long quartz absorption cell (100 cm) is described. Combination of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide was employed in the wet digestion of samples. The muscle sample was taken from the frozen body with a stainless cork borer and weighed in a frozen state. The mercury content of shark muscle was found to be uniform in any portion. For example, in a Squalus mitsukurii (_??_, total length; 1080 mm, body weight; 8.45 kg) the average mercury content of 8 portions of muscle was 1.47μ/g for wet matter (6.32 μg/g for dry matter), and the c. v. was 5.4%. Therefore, it can be concluded that a small portion of muscle between first and second dorsal fins can serve as a representative of the whole muscle of the individual fish. No loss of mercury during dry oven heating (90°C upto constant) and lyophilization (24h) was found in this shark muscle, which is to be investigated in further study.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 26 (7), 438-441, 1977

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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