Vacuum sublimation method for extraction of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from air-born particulates

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  • タレンガタ シンクウ ショウカホウ ニヨル タイキ フユウ フンジンチュウ ノ

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Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air-born particulate samples was extracted by vacuum sublimation. PAHs could be extracted from seven particulte samples by one operation. The extraction apparatus used was constructed with a rotary pump, a MacLeod manometer, a connector, vacuum sublimation tubes, sublimation flasks and an electric furnace. Extraction procedure is as follows. Seven particulate samples are put in 7 sublimation flasks, respectively These flasks are connected with their respective sublimation tubes, the connector, the manometer and the rotary pump, successively. After cooling these sublimation tubes with ice water, these are evacuated to (0.0050.001) mmHg. The sublimation flasks are inserted one by one in the 7 holes of the electric furnace, which has been kept at (310315)°C. About 40 min later, the flasks are taken out from the furnace and cooled to a room temperature and then the pressure in the flasks are given back to normal pressure. PAHs sublimed from the particulates is deposited on the cooling part of the sublimation tube. Deposited sublimate is dissolved in a small amount of benzene. The solution is used for PAH analysis by one-dimensional dual band thin-layer chromatography and spectrofluorometry.<BR>The extraction rate and the coefficient of variation were 97.7% and 1.83% for benzo(a)pyrene, 97.4% and 1.38% for chrysene, and 98.1% and 2.13% for pyrene. The extraction rate of benzo(a)pyrene from air-born particulate samples obtained by the present method was in good agreement with that by the ultra sonic extraction method.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 25 (6), 412-415, 1976

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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