

  • A new azo-compound containing a long alkyl chain for fluorometric determination of trace gallium
  • チョウサ アルキルキ オ ユウスル アゾ カゴウブツ ニヨル ガリウム ノ ケ



A new lumogallion-analogue containing hexyl group as a long alkyl chain has been synthesized. The hexyl-lumogallion (Hexyl. LUMO) formed a fluorescent one to one chelate complex with gallium(III) in the optimum pH range of 2.7 to 4.0. The Ga(III)-Hexyl·LUMO complex was easily extracted into methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK). The complex had its maximum emission at 580 nm with an excitation at 493 nm. The fluorescence intensity of the complex in the extract was 25 times stronger than that in aqueous solution when equal volumes of MIBK and the aqueous solution were used.<BR>The concentration of ppb level of gallium was able to be easily determined. The quenching effect of the transition metal was markedly reduced by the MIBK extraction method.<BR>The fluorescence intensity of the chelate complex was sensitized with nonionic or anionic surfactant micelle. The nonionic surfactant was more useful for the sensitivity enhancement of the fluorometric analysis of gallium. It was confirmed that the fluorescence quantum efficiency of the complex increased about 10-fold in the presence of polyethylene glycol monolauryl ether, a nonionic surfactant. The fluorescence polarization spectra suggested that the presence of the hexyl group caused a strong binding of the complex to micelle.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 25 (8), 501-505, 1976

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

被引用文献 (2)*注記


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