Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) with ammonium 1-pyrrolidinecarbodithioate
- YAMAMOTO Yoshikazu
- Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
- MURATA Takumi
- Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
- UEDA Shunzo
- Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
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- Other Title
- 1‐ピロリジンカルボジチオ酸アンモニウムによる微量クロム(VI)の紫外吸光光度定量
- 1 ピロリジンカルボジチオサン アンモニウム ニヨル ビリョウ クロム 6 ノ
- 1-ピロリジンカルボジチオ酸アンモニウムによる微量クロム(VI)の紫外吸光光度定量
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A simple and rapid ultraviolet spectrophotometry was proposed for the determination of microamounts of chromium(VI) with ammonium 1-pyrrolidinecarbodithioate (APDC) as a complexant. The recomended procedure is as follows: To a sample solution containing up to 35 μg of chromium(VI), 3 ml of 12 M hydrochloric acid solution and 1 ml of the 0.5% APDC solution were added and the resulted solution was diluted with water to about 20 ml. The solution was heated for 2 minutes in a boiling water bath. After cooling the solution to room temperature under flowing tap water, the solution was transfered to a 25 ml volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with water. The absorbance of the complex was measured at 265 nm against the reagent blank. The absorption spectrum of the chromium-PDC complex exhibited the maxima at 225 and 265 nm, the latter of which was chosen for a measuring wavelength because of the low absorbance for the reagent blank and of the good reproducibility. The absorbance of the complex in 1.4 M HCl solution remained constant for 6 hours. Beer's law was held up to 35 μg/25 ml for Cr(VI) at 265 nm. The molar absorptivity was 3.17×104, and the coefficient of variation was 0.6% {5 determinations at the 15μg Cr (VI)/25ml}. The determination of 20 μg of Cr(VI) was not interfered in the presence of twenty-five fold amounts of Na, Mg(II), Al(III), K, Ca(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), or Zn(II), but was interfered by 2.5 fold amounts of Mo(VI) or Ni(II), 5 fold amounts of Ag or V(V), 25 fold amounts of Cu(II), Fe(III, II), Co(II), Hg(II), Pb(II), or Sn(IV).
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 25 (12), 851-854, 1976
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
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- 1390001204355941120
- NII Article ID
- 110002907692
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- AN00222633
- 1741496
- 05251931
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- ja
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