Coliquefaction of Coal and Waste Plastics under Milder Hydrogen Pressures.

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  • Coliquefaction of Coal and Waste Plasti

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Under direct coal liquefaction conditions, coprocessing of-100 mesh Tanitoharum coal with plastics, using 1:1 Athabasca tar sand bitumen/tetralin mixture as the solvent, and red mud + S as the catalyst, was carried out in a 500-m1 autoclave. At 430°C with plastics/ (coal + plastics) weight ratio of 1/4 under 4MPa initial pressure of a simulated coke oven gas (H2/N2 : 1/1 volume ratio), a synergistic effect between the coal and the mixed plastics of PP, PS and PE (1/1/1 weight ratio) was observed and oil yield was higher by 8% than that calculated from results of liquefaction for each of the coal and the mixed plastics.



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