Fluctuation and Management of Mineral Concentration and pH in Circulating Nutrient Solution for Pepper Fruit Production under Continuous Fluorescent Illumination.
- MASUDA Masaharu
- Facualty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- YAMAGUCHI Tomoyuki
- Facualty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- OSAKI Maki
- Facualty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- Facualty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- Facualty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- KOSAKA Shinich
- Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 蛍光灯連続光下でのピーマン栽培における循環培養液の濃度・組成およびpHの変化とその管理
- ケイコウトウ レンゾク コウ カ デ ノ ピーマン サイバイ ニ オケル ジュンカン バイヨウエキ ノ ノウド ソセイ オヨビ pH ノ ヘンカ ト ソノ カンリ
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Pepper cv.Kyo-midori plants were grown in a half-strength “Otsuka-A” nutrient solution at alight intensity of 100μmol·m-2s-1, temperature 25±2°C. In this condition, uptake of water and minerals, except P, for 6 weeks was 1. 8 times higher in continuous illumination than in 12/ 12 h light-dark cycle. Plant cultivation under continuous illumination in rockwool system revealed that a small amount of NO3-N, NH4-N and P remained in this solution at 45 days after transplanting, even if the same strength of nutrient solution was added when the volume had decreased by a quarter.<BR>Fluctuation of mineral concentration, electric conductivity and pH as affected by CO2 enrichment, were monitored under 150μmol·m-2s-1 continuous illumination and 70% relative humidity in which a half-strength solution was adjusted to pH 5. 6. Electric conductivity increased at 340 ppm CO2 and decreased at 800 ppm. The pH increased gradually to around 7.7 at 340 ppm and 800 ppm.<BR>EC 1.4 dS m-1 under 800 ppm CO2 condition did not change at 50% humidity but gradually decreased at 80% humidity during 2 months and reached a stable low value of 0. 7. During this period, NO3-N, P and K concentrations decreased irrespective of humidity, and their decreasing speed was faster at a higher humidity. Ca and Mg concentrations showed almost no change. The pH increased to near 7. 5 after one month and thereafter have been fluctuated in the range between 7.0 and 7.5.<BR>From these results, we considered that a nutrient solution of EC 1. 4 dS m-1 and pH 5.6 at the beginning of cultivation, followed by an additional nutrient solution pH adjusted to the lower level at 1 month after transplantation may be optimal for the stable management of culture solution for a long period of pepper production under continuous illumination.
- Shokubutsu Kojo Gakkaishi
Shokubutsu Kojo Gakkaishi 13 (3), 192-198, 2001
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204382169600
- NII Article ID
- 10012339302
- 10012338985
- NII Book ID
- AN10451761
- 18803555
- 09186638
- http://id.crossref.org/issn/09186638
- 5896613
- Text Lang
- ja
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