Mechanism of Alkalinity Lowering and Chemical Equilibrium Model of High Fly Ash Silica Fume Cement

  • Hoshino Seiichi
    日本原子力研究開発機構 地層処分研究開発部門
  • Negishi Kumi
    (株)太平洋コンサルタント 電力・原子力技術部
  • Honda Akira
    日本原子力研究開発機構 地層処分研究開発部門 ニアフィールド研究グループ

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Other Title
  • フライアッシュ高含有シリカフュームセメントの低アルカリ性発現機構と化学平衡モデル


The mechanism of alkalinity lowering of a High Fly ash Silica fume Cement (HFSC) under liquid/solid ratio conditions where the pH is largely controlled by the soluble alkali components (Region I) has been studied. This mechanism was incorporated in the chemical equilibrium model of HFSC. As a result, it is suggested that the dissolution and precipitation behavior of SO42- partially contributes to alkalinity lowering of HFSC in Region I. A chemical equilibrium model of HFSC incorporating alkali (Na, K) adsorption, which was presumed as another contributing factor of the alkalinity lowering effect, was also developed, and an HFSC immersion experiment was analyzed using the model. The results of the developed model showed good agreement with the experiment results. From the above results, it was concluded that the alkalinity lowering of HFSC in Region I was attributed to both the dissolution and precipitation behavior of SO42- and alkali adsorption, in addition to the absence of Ca(OH)2. A chemical equilibrium model of HFSC incorporating alkali and SO42- adsorption was also proposed.


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