Mathematical expression of water diffusivity coefficient in cementitious materials based on a novel adsorption isotherm
- Utsumi Hideyuki
- 千葉工業大学 工学部建築都市環境学科
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- Other Title
- 新たな水蒸気吸着等温関係式に基づくセメント硬化体内水分の拡散係数に対する数理表現式
- アラタ ナ スイジョウキ キュウチャク トウオン カンケイシキ ニ モトズク セメント コウカ タイナイ スイブン ノ カクサン ケイスウ ニ タイスル スウリ ヒョウゲンシキ
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A mathematical expression of the diffusivity coefficients for the vapor and liquid phase of water in cementitious materials has been developed that depends on the adsorption amount. This expression has been formulated based on a thermodynamic equation of the state by which to express the progress of the water adsorption phenomenon in pore spaces, and uses the new adsorption isotherm reflecting the characteristics of the pore size distribution of cementitious materials. This expression enables one to express quantitatively the influence produced by the change of temperature and pore size distribution on the diffusivity coefficients of each phase. The analysis results show a valid correlation with the previous studies, and clarifies that the principal factors of the water transfer phenomenon changes from the vapor phase transfer to the liquid phase transfer with the increase of the amount of adsorption.
- Concrete Research and Technology
Concrete Research and Technology 20 (2), 39-49, 2009
Japan Concrete Institute
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204407792384
- NII Article ID
- 10024974678
- NII Book ID
- AN1053282X
- 21862745
- 13404733
- 10317509
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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