Prosthetic Dentistry and Risk Factors in View of Time-line

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  • 時間軸から見たリスクファクターと補綴歯科治療

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It is observed in most clinical cases that their condition changes in various ways after treatment even if their alignment of missing teeth or level of occlusive abnormality was similar among each case at the first medical examination. Missing teeth alignment develops into a pathological condition of chronic disease, which makes the factor of “time-line” quite significant. The time-line indicates speed, the change of pathological condition over time.<BR>Patients are faced with various kinds and levels of risks. Furthermore, some risks are easy to control, while others are rather difficult. The level of alignment of missing teeth and causes of failure have been pointed out as typical examples of such risks. Therefore, the level of occlusion support that could not be changed with dentures was improved with implants and was evaluated. As a result, parafunction was regarded as one of the risks that is important in itself as well as difficult to control. Unfortunately, however, there are few strategies for this risk factor which is difficult to control.


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