Reassessment of The Containers and Packaging Recycling Law The Evaluation of The Container and Packaging Recycling Law and Future Tasks

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The following points must be considered when giving an overall evaluation on amendments to the Container and Packaging Recycling Law :<BR>1. The concept of EPR was not sufficiently considered.<BR>2. It is rather significant that while the main goal is to promote the reduction of containers and packaging in the waste cycle, the Ministry concerned was given authority to set standards for each industry, to make each industry report on its achievement, and to recommend that the industry takes appropriate action when its efforts are extremely inadequate.<BR>3. Rates for re-use and recycling were not set. The importance of targeting the curbing of waste output was not sufficiently recognized.<BR>4. Reducing the social costs of recycling was given adequate consideration in exchange for a petty amount of money businesses are now required to pay to municipalities. Since collection and classification responsibilities are left to municipalities, businesses only shoulder the financial burden. In fact, businesses have come away feeling anxious about having to pay unlimited amounts of money. This system only ends up diminishing the importance of EPR.


  • Waste Management Research

    Waste Management Research 17 (4), 166-173, 2006

    Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management

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