Construction and Management of Waste Disposal Facility by Blanket Private Trust

  • Wada Yasuhiko
    Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University

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  • 廃棄物処理施設の長期包括運転管理  廃棄物処理施設における運転・管理の長期包括運営
  • ハイキブツ ショリ シセツ ニ オケル ウンテン カンリ ノ チョウキ ホウカツ ウンエイ
  • トクシュウ ハイキブツ ショリ シセツ ノ チョウキ ホウカツ ウンテン カンリ

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Up until now, commission entrepreneurs for construction and management of waste disposal facilities have always been separate. The basis of selection by the commission entrepreneur was an award price. Deteriorating quality in public construction has, however, become a concern. This is due to low award pricing, accidents occurring from lack of safety precautions, and construction projects executed with corner cutting. On the other hand, a blanket private trust would be able to manage a waste disposal facility efficiently, economically, and technically from construction to management. This paper describes the features, basis of selection for the enterprise, and points of concern with regard to construction and management of waste disposal facilities by blanket private trusts.


  • Waste Management Research

    Waste Management Research 19 (2), 73-78, 2008

    Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management


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