

  • Elastic-plastic crack growth and life assessment in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under low-cycle fatigue.
  • Ti 6A1 4V ゴウキン ノ ダン ソセイ ヒロウ キレツ シンテン トク



Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy annealed at 760°C was low-cycle fatigued, and then strain-based fatigue life and the elastic-plastic fatigue crack growth were investigated. The Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy exhibited a significantly shorter crack initiation-and final failure-lives than did structural carbon and alloy steels when they were plotted against the plastic strain range, Δεp. Meanwhile, the total strain-final failure life curves were situated on the short-life side in the high-strain regime and on the long-life side in the low-strain regime, respectively, compared with those of structural steels. There existed little difference in the crack growth rate, da/dN, plotted against cyclic J integral range, ΔJ, among Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy and structural carbon and alloy steels. The life spent for crack propagation, Np, was successfully calculated by combining the da/dN-ΔJ relationship and the cyclic stress-strain response; the inflection behavior appearing in the log Δεp-log Np relationship was also satisfactorily assessed by the present calculations. Furthermore, the final failure life derived by using the crack initiation to final failure life ratio of Ni/Nf=0.20 was in good agreement with the test data.


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