Classification and Characterization of Basic Treatment Options for Material Management (part 2)
- TASAKI Tomohiro
- Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- ISHIZUKA Takanori
- E&E Solutions Inc.
- TAKIGAMI Hidetaka
- Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 物質管理の基本方策の類型化とその特徴把握(その2)
- 物質管理の基本方策の類型化とその特徴把握(その2)チェックゲート管理・情報管理・資源確保の特徴
- ブッシツ カンリ ノ キホン ホウサク ノ ルイケイカ ト ソノ トクチョウ ハアク(ソノ 2)チェックゲート カンリ ・ ジョウホウ カンリ ・ シゲン カクホ ノ トクチョウ
- - Features of Gate-checking, Informational Management, and Resource Supply/Use -
- -チェックゲート管理・情報管理・資源確保の特徴-
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Increased attention has been paid to strengthen chemical management, while establishment of safety management of recycled products and resource management are needed. Materials have both of valuable and hazardous aspects, which call for integrated material management. We reviewed treatment options in 829 articles from 44 acts and discussed features of gate-checking, informational management (notification and traceability), and resource supply/use.<BR>Gate-checking can be characterized mainly by three types of items to check: material characteristics, treatment methods, and information. Applicability of gate-checking to the post-consumer stages was lower and material management at these life-stages needs to be complemented by other treatment options. Management by notification is suitable to cases where regulatory flexibility is favorable and should not be applied alone to management of materials with high risks. Traceability can be categorized by its purposes into ‘value-added’ type and ‘avoidance of loss’ type. Distinctive treatment options in resource management, which do not fall in the other treatment options, were granting rights for resources, resource discovery/security, limitation of resource extraction, promotion of recycling, stock of resources, and optimized material use. Application of treatment options which are frequently applied in hazardous chemical management is expanding into the field of resource management recently.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 25 (4), 280-295, 2012
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204419540352
- NII Article ID
- 10030929549
- NII Book ID
- AN10165252
- 18845029
- 09150048
- 023915362
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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