心理的道具としての芸術作品 : 初期ヴィゴツキーと文化-歴史的理論との連関をめぐって


  • Art Works of Psychological Tools : On Connection between the Young Vygotsky's Ideas and Cultural-Historical Theory
  • シンリテキ ドウグ ト シテノ ゲイジュツ サクヒン ショキ ヴィゴツキー ト ブンカ レキシテキ リロン トノ レンカン オ メグッテ



Psychological tools are one of the most important ideas of Vygotsky's developmental theory. He described this idea through analogy with technical tools in labor. It was emphasized that psychological tools were means of acting and mastering oneself. There is a list of psychological tools in the manuscript of "Instrumental Method in Psychology" . It's noteworthy that Vygotsky emphasized "works of art" in this list as well as symbols and numbers, which typical psychological tools. What did he include "works of art" into this list! The key to answer this mystery is found in "The Psychology of Art" and his Pedological works. Art works for Vygotsky are not the higher cultural products, but Psychological tools mastering emotions oneself.


  • 心理科学

    心理科学 27 (1), 61-71, 2007


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