Establishment of a Local Limit of the Electric Conductivity for Monitoring Groundwater Based on the Benchmark Dose Method

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  • ベンチマーク法を用いた地下水汚染監視のためのECの局所監視値の設定
  • ベンチマークホウ オ モチイタ チカスイ オセン カンシ ノ タメ ノ EC ノ キョクショ カンシチ ノ セッテイ

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Sewage sludge is the residual material resulting from the processing of residential and industrial waste. Groundwater contamination, caused by low quality processing of sewage sludge, is regarded as a serious problem demanding a readily available, cost effective and practical method for its monitoring. Electrical Conductivity (EC) is currently being used in many situations to monitor groundwater and has proven to be effective. Few studies however have sought to clearly determine upper limits of EC for monitoring groundwater quality.<BR>The study area is “Sanpou” Mountain located east of Nagasaki city. There is a final disposal plant atop the mountain and with homes and farms nearby. Groundwater quality tests which includes NO3-N and EC, have been performed four times a year since 1998 for three contaminated and one control points. These points have the same natural conditions with the control site only being free from human-origin contamination.<BR>We created a EC local limit for effective monitoring of the groundwater quality in the sites possibly contaminated by sewage sludge leachate or incinerated ash. We extended the “benchmark dose” (BMD) concept to obtain this limit by statistically analyzing the relationships between NO3-N and EC at the control point.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 25 (3), 215-222, 2012



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