Transition during 80 years of Dead Trees Stripes in Mt.Shimagare

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  • 縞枯山の写真に見る縞枯現象の80年間の軌跡
  • シマ カレヤマ ノ シャシン ニ ミル シマコゲンショウ ノ 80ネンカン ノ キセキ

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We compared photographs of the Shimagare phenomena was seen in Mt.Shimagare in North Yatsugatake. The photos were taken from approximately the same position during 80 years from 1931 to 2010. The extensive move of the Simagare phenomena was determined by the balance between the velocity with the dead trees belt widens towards the mountain ridgeline and the velocity with which the young and mature trees belt widens upward and invades the below part of the dead trees one. These respective widening velocities are related to the annual mean air temperatures which have cyclic ups and downs every 50 years. When the annual mean air temperature becomes high, the dead trees belts and the young and mature trees belts widen respectively. And, when the annual mean temperature becomes low, the Shimagare phenomena comes to a standstill. The effects of the wind caused by the Isewan Typhoon didn’t extend the Shimagare phenomena expect the occurrence of fallen trees, which can be clearly distinguished from Shimagare phenomena which shows the fluctuation and movement of width of the dead trees belt.



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