The Relationships between Residentsʼ Concern About Waste Problems and Life-stage

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  • ライフステージに着目した住民のごみ問題に対する関心の変遷
  • ライフステージに着目した住民のごみ問題に対する関心の変遷 : テキストマイニングによる解析
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  • -テキストマイニングによる解析-
  • A Text Mining Approach

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With the aim of better understanding the nature of the relationship of residentsʼ concerns about waste problems and life-stage changes, we conducted a questionnaire survey targeting Kawasaki city residents (n=1308). We asked how and why their concern level changed over time, and analyzed the data by using a text mining approach and multi-correspondence analysis. Concerns about waste problems increased with age and were affected by life events, such as starting to live alone, marriage, childbirth, and retirement. Also, the role of waste management in the home, condition of having a time, social connectedness and amount of household garbage varied with life-stage changes and influenced the residentsʼ concern about waste problem. Social conditions, such as rising public awareness of waste problems and waste management systems (e.g., source separation), raised the residentsʼ level of concern. Gender differences on the role of waste management were apparent from about the age of 50. We suggest that local governments could effectively raise residentsʼ awareness and influence behavioral change by implementing policy measures that are related to life-stage events, for example, engaging in publicity activities targeted at people at specific life stages (e.g., starting to live alone or getting married).



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (5), 343-358, 2015


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