LED ランプと蛍光管ランプに対する用水 路から発生する水生昆虫類の走光性 -ユスリカ類に注目して


  • Field research on phototaxis of aquatic insects from a small canal by light emitting diode and fluorescent lamps. -focus on response of adult chironomid midges.
  • LED ランプ ト ケイコウカン ランプ ニ タイスル ヨウスイロ カラ ハッセイ スル スイセイ コンチュウルイ ノ ソウコウセイ : ユスリカルイ ニ チュウモク シテ



The attraction of nuisance adult aquatic insects to different wavelengths of light was studied using light traps from August 15 to 24 (9 nights), 2011. The effects of continuous emission of six different light wavelengths were studied using light emitting diodes (LED) lamps (white, green, red, blue and UV), and a 6-W white fluorescent lamp (6W-FL). More than 6,000 individual aquatic insects were collected during the investigation period. Three orders of insects were collected using the LED and 6W-FL lamps, and the most abundant taxon was Chironomidae. The 6W-FL lamp attracted 2-6 times more insects than the white LED lamp. A pulsed-LED lamp attracted only half as many insects as the continuous emission white LED lamp. These results indicate that manipulation of light wavelength may allow development of an integrated strategy to control adult aquatic insects.


  • 環動昆

    環動昆 27 (2), 43-52, 2016


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