Approaches to Devising the Narrative Scenario for Switching the Developing Direction to Sustainable Society

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  • -From the Aspect of Economic Production-
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As a first step for switching the developing direction to sustainable society, we show the approaches to devising the narrative scenario of future vision with appropriate socioeconomic activity for sustainable society. We define the developing direction as a decisive factor in determining the scenario of socioeconomic activity.<BR>Based on the review about the kind of sustainable index, we identify four objectives of developing direction as an area of society, economy, environment and individual well-being to make the narrative scenario.<BR>Based on the group interview with the member of Trans-disciplinary Federation of Science and Technology who has knowledge on industrial area, we devise two types of narrative scenario about socioeconomic activity. The one is attached a high value to growth of GDP and the other is balanced four objectives that we identify. Devising these scenarios in the medium to long-term, we remarked the shift from hard to soft that provide the infrastructure for both of scenario types. Switching the direction to sustainable society might add the further weight to create the value with the needs of people and address the needs of life and region such as in the domain of agriculture and medical services.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 26 (3), 226-235, 2013



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