宮崎県における家畜,食肉・食鳥処理場の汚水,鶏肉および河川水のSalmonella Corvallis汚染実態調査


  • Prevalence of <I>Salmonella</I> Corvallis in Domestic Animals, Sewage, Chicken Meats and River Water in Miyazaki Prefecture
  • ミヤザキケン ニ オケル カチク ショクニク ショクチョウ ショリジョウ ノ オスイ ケイニク オヨビ カセンスイ ノ Salmonella Corvallis オセン ジッタイ チョウサ



In Miyazaki Prefecture, healthy carriers of Salmonella Corvallis have increased since 1993, and several sporadic diarrhea cases caused by the serovar have also been reported annually between 1998 and 2001. To clarify the source of S. Corvallis infection in humans, 621 feces samples of poultry (40 layers and 581 young chickens), 278 feces samples of cattle, 278 feces samples of swine, 75 sewage samples from 9 poultry processing plants, 33 sewage samples from 3 meat processing plants for cattle and swine, 666 chicken meat samples (370 layers and 296 young chickens) from retail stores and 58 water samples from two rivers were examined for the prevalence of S. Corvallis. S. Corvallis was detected in five (12.5%) of 40 layers, while the serovar was not detected in young chickens, cattle or swine. In sewage samples, S. Corvallis was detected in five (6.7%) of 75 samples from 9 poultry processing plants, while the serovar was not detected in the 33 samples from 3 meat processing plants. In chicken meat, S. Corvallis was detected in 63 (17.0%) of 370 layer meat samples, and in only one (0.3%) of 296 young chicken meat samples. S. Corvallis was not detected from river water samples. The results suggest that meats and the products from layer chickens may be a significant source of S. Corvallis infection in humans.


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