Genetic Variability of Allozymes in Japanese Sea Bass <i>Lateolabrax Japonicus</i> in the Coastal Waters of Hyogo Prefecture

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  • Genetic Variability of Allozymes in Japanese Sea Bass Lateolabrax Japonicus in the Coastal Waters of Hyogo Prefecture
  • Genetic Variability of Allozymes in Jap

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In order to obtain basic information on the population structure of Japanese seabass Lateolabrax japonicus, four sample lots were collected from coastal waters of Seto Inland Sea (Akashi, Murotsu, and Nandan) and from Japan Sea (Kasumi) in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Seventy-one to eighty specimens from each locality were examined for the screening of polymorphism among 12 loci in 10 enzymes. Being fitted for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it was suggested that each lot was derived from simple Mendelian population. The proportion of polymorphic loci ranged between 0.55-0.67 and the expected heterozygosity (He) were between 0.172-0.199. Considering these much higher values compared with some other marine fishes, the high genetic variability should be retained in this species. The differentiations among localities were tested by chisquare values for heterogeneity. In MPI-1* locus, highly significant difference (p<0.001) was detected in the case of Kasumi vs. each locality of Seto Inland Sea. The D values (0.0014-0.0082) were high, especially in the cases related with Kasumi (0.0054-0.0082). These results indicate the independence of the subpopulation ofKasumi from the others. Among the Inland lots, we could not get enough information about the existence of subpopulation except for the cases of significant difference in sIDDH*.


  • Fisheries science

    Fisheries science 63 (2), 175-178, 1997

    The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science

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