Histochemical Localization of Calcium Oxalate Crystals in the Leaf Epidermis of Some Commelina L. (Commelinaceae) and its Bearing on Taxonomy

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  • ツユクサ属(ツユクサ科)数種の葉の表皮におけるシュウ酸カルシウムの結晶の形態と分類上の意義
  • Histochemical localization of calcium o

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Histochemical localization of ergastic substances (calcium oxalate crystals) in the leaves of five members of the genus Commelina L. and its bearing on the taxonomy of these taxa are reported for the first time. All the taxa possessed needle-like raphides either singly dispersed in the epidermal cells or aggregated in forms of bundles. In addition, C. africana also has polygonally shaped crystals, and C. erecta subsp. erecta and C. erecta subsp. livingstonii have prismatic and rhomboidal crystals, respectively. C. benghalensis is distinct in having mostly the needle-shaped, non-aggregated raphides, and C. diffusa is distinct in having aggregated crystals. The occurrence of oval crystals distinguishes C. erecta subsp. livingstonii from C. erecta subsp. erecta. The localization of crystals around the guard cells of the stomata suggests that the calcium oxalate crystals may play nutritional and mechanical role in these taxa.



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