Modeling of Relationship between Mental Accounting and Purchase Behaviors: Proposal of Hierarchical Bayesian Threshold Poisson Regression Model
- Miyatsu Kazuhiro
- Graduate School of Business Science, University of Tsukuba
- Sato Tadahiko
- Graduate School of Business Science, University of Tsukuba
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- Other Title
- 心理的財布と購買行動の関係性のモデル化
- 心理的財布と購買行動の関係性のモデル化 : 階層ベイズ閾値ポアソン回帰モデルの提案
- シンリテキ サイフ ト コウバイ コウドウ ノ カンケイセイ ノ モデルカ : カイソウ ベイズ シキイチ ポアソン カイキ モデル ノ テイアン
- ――階層ベイズ閾値ポアソン回帰モデルの提案――
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Our research aims to model mechanisms to describe consumer purchase quantity on a single shopping trip with consideration of consumer sentiment called mental accounting. The model consists of two components; (1) consumers mental loading that changes at each shopping trip, and (2) consumers purchase quantity generating mechanism, which switches regimes depending on degrees of the mental loading and threshold parameter individually estimated. The model is derived based on threshold Poisson regression model framework, and the total model parameters sets are estimated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mehods. Empirical studies have been applied with ID-POS data from a retailer shop. Results indicate that our model outperforms by having consumer sentiment considered such as mental loading when they make purchase decisions. In addition, the model reveals individual payday as by-product through estimation of each mental loading conditions.
- Ouyou toukeigaku
Ouyou toukeigaku 44 (3), 161-182, 2015
Japanese Society of Applied Statistics
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204441167360
- NII Article ID
- 130005160393
- NII Book ID
- AN00330942
- 18838081
- 02850370
- 027165418
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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