レールのころがり損傷に関する研究 I  高速レール試験機の開発


  • Study on contact rolling fatigue of rails (1st report, Development of high speed rail testing machine)
  • レール ノ コロガリ ソンショウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 コウソク レー



The high speed rail testing machine was invented to simulate the Shinkansen traffic conditions, especially the contact rolling problems between rail and wheel, in a laboratory. Its main properties are as follows: This machine was principally consist of a circular rail and two wheels contact rolling internally. Test piece; actual rail (for example, 12 m ×2 pieces), parent metals and welds. Wheel; two actual wheels, easily changeable system by of pressure, one way running direction. Radial load; simple mechanism and large capacity by centrifugal force and oil pressure, easily variable loading system. Thrust load; vertical oscillation of rotor by oil pressure actuator. Driving system; wheel driving. Pitch of rail sleepers; 580 mm. Atomosphere; air, fresh water and sea water. : the same condition as those of Shinkansen.


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