
  • Asymmetric Three-Point Bending of a Laminated Beam Containing a Delamination.
  • ハクリ オ フクム セキソウハリ ノ ヒタイショウ サンテン マゲ
  • ハクリ オ フクム セキソウハリ ノ ヒタイショウ 3テン マゲ



Asymmetric three-point bending of a layered beam with an interface crack is analyzed on the basis of classical beam theory. Axial forces induced by bending in the parts of the beam above and below the delamination are determined by regarding the cracked part as two lapped beams hinged at both ends. The compliance and the energy release rate are then derived. Numerical analyses based on the finite-element method are carried out, which show that delamination growth occurs in a mixed mode ; i. e., both the normal separation (mode I ) and mutual sliding (mode II ) of the crack surfaces contribute to the fracturing process. Finally the decomposition of the energy release rate into mode I and mode II components is made by combining the recent analysis for the energy release rates by Toya and two-dimensional linear beam solutions by Suo and Hutchinson.


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