傾斜不均質層におけるSH波の二次元反射エネルギー計算  合理化不均質層要素による積層近似


  • Calculation of Two-Dimensional Reflection Energy of SH Waves from a Gradient Inhomogeneous Layer. Stacking Approximation by New Rationalized Layer Elements.
  • ケイシャ フキンシツソウ ニ オケル SHハ ノ 2ジゲン ハンシャ エネルギー ケイサン ゴウリカ フキンシツソウ ヨウソ ニ ヨル セキソウ キンジ



In a previous paper, considering the reflection energy of SH waves from a gradient inhomogeneous layer, we offered a new rationalized layer element for a two-dimensional elastic analysis. We confirmed that the reflectance is exactly estimated using this new elements without any complexities. In this paper, we expanded this analysis to the case of a layer with an arbitrary distribution of the acoustic impedance. As an example, when the acoustic impedance and the phase velocity vary sinusoidally with the thickness, and the mass density is constant through the layer, the ressiting reflectance is in very close agreement with the exact value, and shows rapid convergence properties. Furthermore, it is shown that the existence of the maximum value of the acoustic impedance in the layer gives rise to the total rellection, even if the acoustic impedance values of the refected and transmitted side of the layer are equal.


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