Thermal Stress-Focusing Effect in an Axisymmetrically Heated Solid Sphere.

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  • 軸対称衝撃加熱による球の熱応力焦点化現象
  • ジク タイショウ ショウゲキ カネツ ニ ヨル タマ ノ ネツ オウリョク ショウテンカ ゲンショウ

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When a sphere is suddenly subjected to an instantaneous axisymmetric body heating, stress waves occur at the surface of the sphere the moment thermal impact is applied. The stress waves in a sphere proceed radially inward to the center of the sphere. The wave may accumulate at the center and give rise to very large stress magnitudes, even though the initial thermal stress should be relatively small. This phenomenon is called the stress-focusing effect. In this paper, we analyze the phenomenon theoretically. The results give a clear indication of the mechanism of thermal stress-focusing effects and clarify the order of singularity of the stress-focusing effects in a sphere.



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