Support for student in undergraduate pediatric nursing practice from the perspective of certified nurse specialists in child health nursing

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  • 小児看護専門看護師が考える小児看護学実習における学生への支援
  • ショウニ カンゴ センモン カンゴシ ガ カンガエル ショウニ カンゴガク ジッシュウ ニ オケル ガクセイ エ ノ シエン

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<p> Purpose: To clarify support for student as aimed for in undergraduate pediatric nursing practice as spoken about in interviews with Certified Nurse Specialists in Child Health Nursing(CNSs).</p><p> Methods: Semi-structured group interviews were conducted with seven CNSs. Transcripts were created from the interviews, and the content related to supporting students and the contextual significance were drawn out.</p><p> Results: 1. The instructors explain the meaning of what student saw child’s reaction and behavior and care for children and family by asking and giving the information about peculiarities of children. 2. The instructors give students an opportunity to experience. If students are unable to do, they are made to observe and commit them to memory. 3. The instructors provide feedback on the students’ experiences so that the students may have a whole picture of child. 4. The instructors get the students to share their varied experiences.</p><p> Discussion: Support for student envisioned by the CNSs was basic principles of support for expending student learning. In a short practice period, the CNSs provided support so that the students could experience and commit to memory as much as they could in terms of interacting and using their skills with children and the children’s families—things they could only learn in a pediatric nursing practice.</p>


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