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  • ガクドウキ ノ ニブン セキツイショウジ ノ ハハオヤ ノ ヨウイク タイド ト ケンコウ カンリ エ ノ カカワリ ニ ツイテ

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The purposes of this study were to identify the characteristic of mother's parenting attitudes and the illness managements of school aged children with spina bifida, and to identify the relationship between the parenting attitude and the illness management. The subjects were 53 mothers of school aged children with spina bifida. They participated in our investigation and answered our questionnaire. As a result, the following became clear. 1) The subcategory scores of mother's parenting attitudes "acceptance and child central relation" and "controlled relation" tended to have decreased with school age. 2) In terms of subcategory "avoiding responsibility relation", the scores of mothers with several children were higher as compared with the mothers without several children. 3) In the low grade elementary school, Forty-five% mothers had entrusted the intermittent catheterization to their children. However, in the cleansing enema/enema, and a skin care, there were few mothers who had entrusted them to their children even if they were of junior high school student. 4) In terms of subcategory "avoiding responsibility relation" of mothers of the low grade elementary school, the mothers whose scores were high had the significantly high rate answers that family members changed soiled underwear.


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