Construction of Shape and Color Analyzer for Fruits Available on Internet

  • Motonaga Yoshitaka
    Department of Bioinformation Science, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
  • Kondou Hiroya
    Iga Branch, Agricultural Research Center, Mie Science and Technology Promotion Center
  • Hashimoto Atsushi
    Department of Bioinformation Science, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
  • Kameoka Takaharu
    Department of Bioinformation Science, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University

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  • インターネット対応型果実外観解析システムの構築
  • インターネット タイオウガタ カジツ ガイカン カイセキ システム ノ コウチク

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Evaluation system of fruit appearance, available on Internet, was constructed by using a Java applet to analyze the shape and color that are the main factor of a fruit quality. Since quantified appearance data of fruits, that had been very difficult to calculate heretofore, were easily created and accumulated to the database by this system, the database of fruit appearance was automatically constructed.<br>In this study, the fruits of grape 'Aki Queen' was selected as a sample and its shape and color was analyzed by this system. As a result, the determination of standard shape was made and the temporal change of coloring was also clarified through the quantification process of the shape and color. From these, this system was shown to be useful to the appearance evaluation of a fruit, where not only the binding of the evaluation standard is difficult but also uniform evaluation is difficult to make.


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