Self Sports Motion Instruction System with Auditory Feedback using Multi-Function Hetero-Core Fiber Optics

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This paper describes a sports instruction system, with which trainees can be guided on their motions with real-time auditory feedback, by using widely applicable hetero-core fiber optics. Multi-function hetero-core fiber optics are implemented in the forms of shirts, pants, and shoes to make sportswear perceptive for monitoring joint motions, trunk motions, and foot pressures. A wireless mobile device is employed to provide feedback based on motion data received from perceptive sportswear to instruct trainees in important factors of motion for running and golf swings. Real-time feedback has been demonstrated using the developed system with trainees running on a treadmill at a constant speed, in which the trainees are informed of the range of leg motion and the pace for running by listening to the trainer's voice from the mobile device. Additionally, golf swings have also been tested for giving body rotational motions and temporal change of foot pressure to the trainee. As a result, sports motion instructions were successfully achieved using the developed system, with trainees conveniently correcting their motions based on the auditory feedback while playing their respective sport.



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