Assessment of lumbar burden caused by using implements when planting containerized seedlings

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  • コンテナ苗専用道具使用時の腰部への負荷
  • コンテナ ナエ センヨウ ドウグ シヨウジ ノ ヨウブ エ ノ フカ

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<p>This study aimed to assess lumbar burden caused by using implements when planting containerized seedlings. This study included eight individuals using three different implements (hoe, dibble, and spade) for planting containerized seedlings on land located on two slopes (steep and gentle). Lumbar moment was measured, and results revealed that lumbar moment associated with using a hoe was larger than that associated with using other implements. Lumbar moments associated with using all implements decreased when planting seedlings on a steep slope, and thus tasks performed on a steep slope were classified as “medium heavy” tasks, which were accompanied with a low risk of lumbar disorders. However, the lumbar moment associated with using a hoe on a gentle slope was larger than that associated with using a hoe on a steep slope, and thus tasks performed using a hoe on a gentle slope were classified as “heavy” tasks and were accompanied with a high risk of lumbar disorders. The lumbar moments associated with using other implements on a gentle slope were lower than those associated with using a hoe on a gentle slope, and thus tasks performed using a dibble or spade on a gentle slope were classified as “medium heavy” tasks. We concluded that there is no difference among lumbar moments associated with using implements on steep slopes. However, the lumbar burden associated with using a dibble and spade is smaller than that associated with using a hoe on a gentle slope.</p>


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