Quantifying Molar Tooth Shape in Macaca fuscata fuscata Using Geometric Morphometrics
- Kondo Shintaro
- Department of Oral Anatomy, Showa University School of Dentistry
- Natori Masahito
- Department of Biosphere-Geosphere System Science, Faculty of Informatics, Okayama University of Science
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- Other Title
- 幾何学的形態計測によるニホンザル大臼歯形態の定量化
- キカガクテキ ケイタイ ケイソク ニ ヨル ニホンザル ダイキュウシ ケイタイ ノ テイリョウカ
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The occlusal shapes of molars in Macaca fuscata fuscata were analyzed by the Procrustes and thin-plate spline analyses. The central pit was selected as the origin, the central groove as the direction of the X axis, and buccal and lingual grooves as the direction of the Y axis. Seventeen landmarks were measured in this initial coordinate system. Sexual differences in molar shape were very small, but centroid size was significantly different between the two sexes. Sexual differences in size and shape of the molars were more conspicuous in the later-developed molar than in the early-developed molar. There were small differences between M1 and M2 in shape, but M2 had significantly larger centroid size than M1. The shape change from M1 to M3 is represented by mesiodistal elongation and buccolingual compression of the distal half of the crown.<br>
- Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)
Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 112 (1), 9-18, 2004
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204470686848
- NII Article ID
- 10013280934
- NII Book ID
- AA11307827
- 13488813
- 13443992
- 7035867
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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