Effect of Spatial Data Units on the Area of a Region Whose Density Is Not Less Than a Pre-determined Density

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  • ある密度以上の地区を抽出する場合における統計地区単位の面積の影響
  • アル ミツド イジョウ ノ チク オ チュウシュツスル バアイ ニ オケル ト

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This paper investigates a problem which arises when we wish to determine a region whose density is not less than a pre-determined density. It is observed that the area of the region varies according to the size of spatial data units although the density is fixed. To avoid this variation, we propose a 'variational' density which guarantees that the expected area of the region is invariant regardless of the size of spatial data units. As a simple example, the invariant density is explicitly obtained in the case of the Poisson point process.



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