Time-Space Map using a Linear Transformation and its Application to Highway Planning in Ibaraki Prefecture
- SUMIYA Yusuke
- Ryugasaki public works office
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- Other Title
- 線形変換による時間地図作成方法
- センケイ ヘンカン ニ ヨル ジカン チズ サクセイ ホウホウ
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This paper proposes a time-space map using linear transformation and applies it to evaluate the impacts of the highway projects in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Although our new timespace map entails a greater estimated error than the multi-dimensional scaling methods, which are the most standard time-space map, it shows the velocity along any direction, the contours of access time and the area of the accessible within a given time. These advantages are based on the elements of linear algebra such as eigenvalue, eigenvectors, inverse matrix, determinants. Then, we delineate three types of time-space maps in Ibaraki Prefecture, according to three highway projects: 1) no highway; 2) Joban-highway; and 3) Joban-highway and Kitakanto-highway. We evaluate the global effect of such highway projects based on these maps.
- Theory and Applications of GIS
Theory and Applications of GIS 13 (2), 109-118, 2005
Geographic Information Systems Association
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204476459136
- NII Article ID
- 10017157431
- NII Book ID
- AN10457305
- 21855633
- 13405381
- 7888746
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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