- 牛島 邦晴
- 九州産業大学工学部機械工学科
- 陳 玳〓
- 東京理科大学工学部機械工学科
- CANTWELL Wesley James
- Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool
- 妹尾 正隆
- 九州産業大学大学院工学研究科
- タイトル別名
- Shear Deformation Response for Three-Dimensional Lattice Structures : 1st Report, Effects of Geometry of Overall Lattice Structure
- 3ジゲン ラティス コウゾウ ノ センダン ヘンケイ トクセイ ダイ1ポウ ラティス コウゾウ ゼンタイ ノ キカ ケイジョウ ノ エイキョウ
In this paper, the shear response of three-dimensional lattice structure was investigated based on numerical stress analysis, FEM. In particular, effects of number of unit cells in three directions on the mechanical properties (shear modulus G^* and collapse strength τ^*) of lattice structures were discussed based on theoretical analysis and FEM. It is found that the mechanical properties strongly depend on the number of unit cell in three directions x, y, z, and for a flat structure (N_y=1), the deformation pattern in the structure can be classified into two types. The shear modulus G^* for a flat structure obtained by FEM can be estimated by the elementary beam theory with a good accuracy. Also, for a flat structure with slender struts, the collapse is occurred by elastic buckling, and that with relatively thicker struts, the collapse strength agrees well with the theoretical result. Moreover, the cubic structure having the same number of unit cell in x and z directions (N_x=N_z=N) shows a unit curve for the shear modulus G^*, so that the modulus can be estimated by the curve for various cubic structures.
- 日本機械学会論文集A編
日本機械学会論文集A編 76 (772), 1557-1564, 2010
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001204479179136
- 110008143561
- AN0018742X
- 18848338
- 03875008
- http://id.crossref.org/issn/03875008
- 10955248
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
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