Improvement of the accuracy in BEM, based on the similarity of stress fields near notch roots. (2nd Report, Application to the three-dimensional stress concentration problems).

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  • 応力場の相似性に基づくBEMの精度改善 II  三次元応力集中問題への適用
  • オウリョクバ ノ ソウジセイ ニ モトズク BEM ノ セイド カイゼン 2

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In a previous paper, in order to improve the accuracy in BEM and FEM, we proposed an expedient method based on the similarity of stress fields near notch roots. In this paper, this method is applied to some three-dimensional BEM problems using constant elements, and its effectiveness is shown. This method enables us to analyze three-dimensional stress concentration problems by coarse meshes.


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