A Consulting Process with Significant Others on Interpersonal Stress

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  • 対人ストレスを身近な他者に相談する過程の検討
  • タイジン ストレス オ ミジカ ナ タシャ ニ ソウダン スル カテイ ノ ケントウ

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The consulting process involving significant others on interpersonal stress was investigated, based on the hypothesis that the process consisted of the following three steps: expectation for consulting with significant others, response of the significant others, and psychological adjustment and resolution of interpersonal stress. In Study 1, a questionnaire survey was conducted with undergraduates (n=114) and data were classified. Results indicated three steps in the classification. In Study 2, scales were developed based on Study 1 in order to measure each of the three steps. In addition, a second questionnaire survey was conducted with undergraduates (n=268). Path analysis revealed that the effects of the consulting process with significant others on interpersonal stress could be generally classified into two categories: (1) When a person expected support, the significant others provided it according to the expectations, and as a result, the person was able to recover and resolve negative emotions caused by interpersonal stress. (2) When a person expected information, the significant others provided information according to the expectations, and then the person was motivated to solve the problem, felt growth, and the problems were resolved.


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