The New Philosophy of the Dead Body Science in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine : At the Disappearance of the Veterinary Anatomy as Science

  • ENDO Hideki
    Section of Morphology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University

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  • 野生動物医学における遺体科学の新しい理念 : 獣医解剖学のサイエンスとしての消滅に際し

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The veterinary anatomy has not functioned as science of morphology in Japan. The basic veterinary medical science is not interested in the specimen curating, since the staff of the veterinary morphology is actually collecting the scientific results in the fields of cell and molecular biology or the applied anatomy that has no relationships with the natural history in the philosophy of science. Here we advocate the concept of the dead body science. The dead body science consists of collection, dissection, curating and storage of dead bodies and specimens, and strongly develops the three-dimensional digitalized morphology in the natural history outside the veterinary medicine. The new philosophy of the dead body science will continuously introduce the fruitful results to the zoo and wildlife medicine in the future.



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