文化間移動によるエスニック・アイデンティティの変容過程 : 南米日系移住地から日本への移民労働者の事例研究


  • The transformation process of ethnic identity by migration across cultures : A case study of migrant workers from a Japanese colony in Latin America
  • ブンカ カン イドウ ニ ヨル エスニック アイデンティティ ノ ヘンヨウ カ



Ethnic identity is assumed to change depending on social context, and is strongly activated by migration across cultures. To construct a model of ethnic identity transformation, we interviewed 38 second-generation migrant workers from a Japanese colony in Bolivia. Of these, we analyzed in detail 10 cases from which statements regarding ethnic identity were obtained. The internal factors which shaped ethnic identity transformation were the recognition of the differences between self and others; the recognition of the exclusion from host society; and the subjective life-plan. The external factors which caused ethnic identity transformation were the social contexts in which the difference between self and others became salient.


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