関係規範の違反に対するシグナルとしての怒り感情 : 知覚された欲求責任違反の媒介的役割


  • Anger as a signal of the violation of relational norms : The role of mediation of perceived responsibility for needs violation
  • カンケイ キハン ノ イハン ニ タイスル シグナル ト シテ ノ イカリ カンジョウ : チカク サレタ ヨッキュウ セキニン イハン ノ バイカイテキ ヤクワリ



A core relational norm regulating social interaction is the idea of responsibility for needs (RN). Assuming that anger is a signal indicating a violation of RN, we attempted to test the mediation model that the perception that one's needs are frustrated by a close other (romantic partner) would generate a perceived RN violation, which in turn would increase anger. Further, we attempted to examine whether mediation also works in relationships with friends. In a role-taking study providing participants with a series of scenarios depicting the other (either romantic partner, friend, or mere acquaintance) as responding or not responding to one's needs, we asked them to rate the intensity of anger and the perceived RN violation. The results showed that in the romantic partner condition, the frustration increased the perception of RN violation, which in turn intensified anger. Further, this mediation was also confirmed in the friend condition, suggesting that RN also operates within friend relationships.


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