The effects of self-threat on ingroup projection

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  • 自己脅威が内集団との合意性認知に及ぼす効果
  • ジコ キョウイ ガ ナイ シュウダン ト ノ ゴウイセイ ニンチ ニ オヨボス コウカ

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This research deals with determinants of perception of social consensus between the self and ingroup in the minimal group paradigm. Specifically, we predicted that ingroup projection would shield the individual from threats because connection with ingroup members could provide comfort and validate self-concepts. The results confirmed our hypothesis that the manipulation of self-threat invokes enhanced ingroup projection, whereas outgroup projection was not affected by threats to the self. These results are consistent with the previous literature that ingroup members are judged to be similar to the self. Adding to these findings, our data imply that when people are under threat, they tend to project their own traits onto ingroup members for the purpose of self-protection. The findings are discussed within the context of the potential use of self-ingroup relationships as self-defense mechanisms.


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