Relationships between heterosocial anxiousness and heterosocial behaviors in adolescence : Roles of social and temporal comparison on heterosocial affiliative orientation

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  • 青年期における異性不安と異性対人行動の関係 : 異性に対する親和指向に関する他者比較・経時的比較の役割を中心に
  • セイネンキ ニ オケル イセイ フアン ト イセイ タイジン コウドウ ノ カンケイ イセイ ニ タイスル シンワ シコウ ニ カンスル タシャ ヒカク ケイジテキ ヒカク ノ ヤクワリ オ チュウシン ニ

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The present study explored the causal relationships among heterosocial anxiousness (HSA), expectancies toward the positive cross-sex relationships in the future (EPR), Heterosocial affiliative orientation (HAO), two types of comparative appraisal on HAO (socially compared HAO, temporarily compared HAO), and heterosocial behaviors in Japanese adolescents. Four hundred and fourteen college students were asked to answer the questionnaire including scales measuring these constructs.A series of correlation analyses and covariance structure analyses were conducted, and main results were as follows: 1. Socially compared HAO determined HSA in women. In contrast, temporarily compared HAO determined HSA in men. 2. HAO and HSA independently determined EPR, and the frequency of intimate heterosocial behaviors during last two months. Finally, some important gender differences in these results were discussed in connection withpeer relationship and self-cognition in adolescence.


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