A test of the correlation between ingroup favoritism and fear of negative evaluation
- Mifune Nobuhiro
- Kochi University of Technology
- Yamagishi Toshio
- The University of Tokyo
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- Other Title
- 内集団ひいきと評価不安傾向との関連:評判維持仮説に基づく相関研究
- ナイ シュウダンヒイキ ト ヒョウカ フアン ケイコウ ト ノ カンレン : ヒョウバン イジ カセツ ニ モトズク ソウカン ケンキュウ
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We tested the reputation maintenance hypothesis of ingroup favoritism. Ninety-two non-student participants played one-shot prisoner’s dilemma games with an ingroup and an outgroup partner with minimal groups, and showed ingroup favoritism only when the participant and his/her partner knew each other’s group membership (common knowledge condition). The ingroup favoritism observed in the common knowledge condition positively correlated with fear of negative evaluation. These results provide support for the reputation maintenance hypothesis.
- Japanese Journal of Social Psychology
Japanese Journal of Social Psychology 31 (2), 128-134, 2015-11-30
The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204491788800
- NII Article ID
- 130005114031
- NII Book ID
- AN10049127
- 21891338
- 09161503
- 026982917
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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